Institution Registered at: University of Ghana

PhD Title: A clinico-molecular epidemiology of drug resistant Tuberculosis in West Africa

Study Description: My research is a cross-sectional study that seeks to determine the risk factors associated with pulmonary drug resistant tuberculosis (DRTB) in West Africa, elucidate the associated genomic evolution events of the isolates, and determine possible linkages between the clinical and genomic characteristics of the isolates, that may help optimise initial therapy of DRTB in the region.


  • Professor Dorothy Yeboah Manu
  • Professor Eric Sampane-Donkor

Profile: Having been privileged to work at various levels of the healthcare delivery system, from primary to tertiary, both public and private and as a clinical Microbiologist, I have seen first-hand too many times, the continuing ravaging effect of infectious diseases and its dynamics in the 21st century, albeit, not unavoidable. Presently, I hope to acquire better capacities, skills and competencies in quality research work in order to more effectively contribute my quota in the fabrication of more efficient treatment strategies for leading infectious diseases, especially drug resistant tuberculosis, the diagnosis and treatment, which is beyond the reach of most patients who thus a hindrance to prevention and control efforts.